Saturday, June 12, 2021




A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   How much part of the earth is covered with water?

a)   61%                   b) 66%               c) 71%               d) 81%

2.   Which is the domain of living things?

a)   Lithosphere         b) Biosphere       c) Hydrosphere   d) Atmosphere

3.   The average thickness of lithosphere is-

a)   100 km               b) 500km            c) 1000 km         d) 2000 km

4.   What is the mean temperature of earth?

a)   10˚                    b) 15˚                c) 20˚                d) 25˚

5.   Which of these is not a part of physical environment?

a)   Land                   b) water             c) air                  d) agriculture

6.   Which of these is a part of the biological environment?

a)   Plants                 b) air                  c) water              d) mountains

7.   Natural environment does not refer to-

a)   Biotic conditions                    c) Abiotic conditions     

b)  Physical conditions                d) Human conditions

8.   Which of these is refered to as a solid layer of the earth?

a)   Lithosphere         b) Hydrosphere   c) Atmosphere     d) Biosphere

9.   Which layer protects us from harmful rays of the sun?

a)   Lithosphere         b) Hydrosphere   c) Atmosphere     d) Biosphere

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Name of the three realms of the earth?

2.   What are the biotic and abiotic components of the natural environment?

3.   State the importance of atmosphere of the living world.

4.   What does the human environment reveal?

5.   List various comforts which the lithosphere provides to us?

6.   Give some examples of natural ecosystem on the earth.

7.   What is biosphere?

8.   What is the utility of the lithosphere?

9.   State two functions of atmosphere?

10.       What is the meaning of environment?

11.       Suggest three different relief features of the lithosphere?

12.       What is physical-natural environment?

13.       Define atmosphere.

14.       Define ecosystem.

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Why is it necessary to study the natural environment?

2.   Why must we respect nature and not meddle with it?

3.   How does the natural environment vary from place to place?

4.   Explain the relationship among the components of the environment.

5.   Differentiate between Natural and Human environment?

6.   Why should we protect our environment?

7.   The earth is a unique planet. Give reasons.

8.   State three characteristics of lithosphere.

9.   State three advantages of lithosphere.

10.       Give some examples of ecosystem?

11.       State two functions of atmosphere?

12.       The environment is dynamic. Explain.

13.       Man is an important part of biosphere. Explain.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   How do plants and animals depend upon each other? Explain.

2.   How do human beings become an important component of the environment?

3.   Describe the major components of the Natural Environment.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   How do human beings modify the natural environment?

2.   How does the atmosphere act as a blanket for our Earth?

3.   What type of life the early human led?

4.   How did man try to change environment?

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   What can you do to preserve biodiversity?

2.   Why is biosphere important?






A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   The Earth was formed about:

a)   4,000 million years ago         c) 4,500 million years ago

b)  5,000 million years ago         d) 5,500 million years ago

2.   The pacific Ocean covered an area of:

a)   140 million sq. km                c) 150 million sq. km

b)  160 million sq. km                d) 170 million sq. km

3.   Mt. Everest has a height of-

a)   8,248 m              b) 8,448 m         c) 8,648 m          d) 8,848 m

4.   The core has a radius of-

a)   3,170 km            b) 3,270 km        c) 3,370 km        d) 3,470 km

5.   Which of the following is the hardest mineral?

a)   Shale                  b) Granite           c) Diamond         d) Marble

6.   Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?

a)   Shale                  b) Granite           c) Coal                d) Marble

7.   Oil wells have been dug up to a depth of-

a)   2 km                  b) 6 km              c) 4 km               d) 8 km

8.   The uppermost layer of the earth is called-

a)   Core                   b) Nife                c) Mantle            d) Crust

9.   The continental mass is called-

a)   Sial                     b) Sima              c) Nife                d)Core

10.       The Mantle has adepth of-

a)   2,900 km            b) 2,700 km        c) 2,800 km        d) 2,600 km

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What is lithosphere?

2.   Mention two characteristics of the crust.

3.   write two characteristics of the mantle.

4.   Mention two characteristics of the core.

5.   Name the most abundant elements the crust of the earth?

6.   Why are igneous rocks called primary rocks?

7.   Why are sedimentary rocks known as secondary rocks?

8.   Why are fossils preserved in sedimentary and not in igneous rocks?

9.   How are igneous rocks formed?

10.       State the importance of igneous rocks?

11.       What are secondary rocks?

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Differentiate between the extrusive and intrusive igneous rock.

2.   Give a comparison of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

3.   How are rocks useful to man?

4.   Distinguish between igneous and sedimentary rocks.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Write a note on the internal structure of the earth.

2.   Describe the classification of rocks on the basis of their formation.

3.   Explain the cycle of Rock Transformation.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   Why is Earth called a dynamic planet?

2.   How are sedimentary rocks formed?

3.   In spite of high temperature in the interior of the core, rocks act as solid. Give reason.

4.   Distinguish between Sial and Sima.

5.   Distinguish between Rocks and Minerals.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   How is the crust of the earth useful to us?

2.   What is the main importance of a mantle?






A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   Which of these is not an external process of change?

a)   Wind                  b) River              c) earthquake              d)         Glaciers

2.   A delta is formed by the work of-

a)   Glacier                b) River              c) Wind                       d) Sea

3.   Continental glaciers are found in-

a)   Australia     b) South America         c) Antarctica                d) Indian Ocean

4.   Dark coloured substance in a soil is called-

a)   Bacteria     b) earth worms            c) Humus                     d) Acids

5.   The soils found in river basins are called-

a)   Black soils   b) Red soils                  c) Alluvial soils             d) laterite soils

6.   The rock which is made up of molten magma is-

a)   Igneous     b) Sedimentary            c) Metamorphic            d) Lava

7.   The innermost layer of the earth is-

a)   Crust         b) core                        c) mantle                     d) Sial

8.   Gold, petroleum and coal are examples of-

a)   Rocks         b) minerals                  c) fossils                      d) none

9.   Which of these is a sudden movement?

a)   Earthquake         b) Exogenic forces        c) Lava               d) glaciers

10.       The place from which the movement of earthquake starts-

a)   Focus         b) Epicenter                 c) Crater                     d) Vent

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What are lithospheric plates?

2.   Give two examples of sudden movement on the earth’s surface?

3.   What are diastrophic forces?

4.   What is a volcano?

5.   How is earthquake caused?

6.   Which location proves more dangerous in case of earthquake?

7.   Name the three types of earthquake waves?

8.   Can we predict the occurrence of an earthquake?

9.   How can you reduce the impact of an earthquake?

10.       What are the common earthquake prediction methods usually adopted by the local people?

11.       What is weathering?

12.       What are river meanders?

13.       What is a delta? How is it formed?

14.       What are sea caves?

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Describe briefly the role of the Endogenic and Exogenic forces in the formation of various types of landforms?

2.   Explain the role of weathering and erosion in modifying the surface of the earth.

3.   What are sudden movements? Explain how earthquakes and volcanoes modify the surface of the earth.

4.   How is running water the most effective agent of denudation?

5.   Distinguish between Erosion and Weathering.

6.   How is the magnitude of an earthquake measured?

7.   Discuss the important components of Earthquake preparedness.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Explain the various features produced by glaciers.

2.   How does wind modify the surface of the earth?

3.   What is rock cycle? Explain with the help of a diagram.

4.   ‘Inspite of high temperature in the interior of the earth, rocks act as solid’. Give reasons.

5.   Name some of the famous waterfalls in the world.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   How is erosion of rocks caused?

2.   How is a waterfall formed by the river?

3.   On what factors does the rate of weathering and erosion depend?

4.   Differentiate between Endogenic and Exogenic forces.

5.   Explain the work of river as an agent of degradation.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   Do you believe in the Continental Drifts Theory? Why or Why not?

2.   How is the study of exogenic and endogenic processes important?






A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   How much percentage of atmosphere is constituted by oxygen gas?

a)   10.95%              b) 15.95%                   c) 21%               d) 25.95%

2.   Which is the closest layer of the earth?

a)   Stratosphere       b) Troposphere            c) Mesosphere     d) Ionosphere

3.   Which gas absorbs ultra-violet rays of the sun?

a)   Oxygen               b) Nitrogen                  c) Ozone             d) Helium

4.   The temperature decreases in troposphere at the rate of 1˚C for everyday?

a)   100 meters         b) 125 meters              c) 150 meters     d) 165 meters

5.   How much percentage increase has occurred in carbon dioxide of the earth?

a)   5%                     b)10%                        c) 25%               d) 15%

6.   Which of the following gases constitute the major portions of the atmosphere?

a)   Oxygen               b) Nitrogen                  c) Ozone             d) Helium

7.   Atmospheric layer important for human beings-

a)   Stratosphere       b) Troposphere            c) Mesosphere     d) Ionosphere

8.   The uppermost layer of the atmosphere is known as-

a)   Stratosphere       b) Exosphere               c) Mesosphere     d) Ionosphere

9.   How much percentage of atmosphere is constitute by nitrogen?

a)   72.08%              b) 94.08%                   c) 76.08%          d) 78.08%

10.         The atmosphere is mainly heated by-

a)   Short wave solar radiation             c) Long wave terrestrial radiation   

b)  Reflected solar radiation                 d) Scattered solar radiation

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What is the importance of atmosphere to the life present on the earth?

2.   Describe the chief characteristics of troposphere?

3.   State the major properties of stratosphere?

4.   State the significance of Ionosphere?

5.   What is greenhouse effect?

6.   Name the important elements of weather and climate?

7.   Why poles are covered with snow?

8.   What type of weather is associated with low pressure?

9.   State the significance of rainfall on earth?

10.       How is balance of carbon dioxide maintained in the air?

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Explain the relation between pressure and temperature.

2.   State the role of moisture in the atmosphere?

3.   List four useful features of the atmosphere.

4.   Distinguish between weather and climate?

5.   Discuss the impact of rise in earth’s temperature or global warming?

6.   Briefly explain the three types of winds experienced on the earth’s surface?

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Describe the structure of the atmosphere.

2.   Explain the elements of weather and climate?

E.   Hots Corner

1.   How have the winds been given their names?

2.   Why does the stratosphere provide ideal flying conditions for large jet aircrafts?

3.   Why is the temperature of the atmospherelow in the mornings and evenings?

4.   Why does the pressure decrease with altitude?

5.   On the basis of mechanism of rainfall, explain the major types of rainfalls.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   Are winds useful to us? If yes, how?

2.   What would happen if the ionosphere did not exists as a layer of the atmosphere?






A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   Which current flows along the N.E. coast of the Atlantic?

a)   Kuroshio            b) Gulf stream             c) Canary            d) Benguela

2.   Which of these is not a warm ocean current?

a)   Labrador current                 b) Gulf stream     c) Benguela                d) Kuroshio

3.   Tsunamis are caused due to-

a)   Volcanos            b) Tides              c) Earthquakes    d) Ocean currents

4.   Sahara Desert has been formed due to this current-

a)   Canary              b) Benguela        c) Gulf stream     d) Brazilian

5.   Which is a tidal port in India?

a)   Mumbai             b) Chennai          c) Kandla            d) Cochin

6.   Which out of the following process is responsible for transforming liquid into vapor?

a)   Condensation     b) Evaporation    c) Transportation d) Precipitation

7.   What is the average salinity in oceans?

a)   35%                  b) 21.0%            c)16%                d) 11.2%

8.   Which see has the highest salinity?

a)   Red sea             b) Baltic sea        c) Dead sea         d       d) Mediterranean Sea

9.   What is the main cause of ocean current?

a)   Winds                b) Density           c) Rotation          d) Land masses

10.     Which ocean current flows in the Pacific Ocean?

a)   Madagascar current    b) Gulf stream     c) Kuroshio         d) Labrador  

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What is Hydrosphere?

2.   When is water day celebrated?

3.   The quality of water is deteriorating?

4.   What is ground water? What is its importance?

5.   Under what conditions are tides of the greatest range produced?

6.   Name the factor which affect the salinity in the oceans?

7.   What causes waves?

8.   What is the average salinity of ocean?

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Discuss the importance of tides?

2.   What are the causes of movement of ocean current?

3.   Why is the earth called a watery planet? How is the distribution of water on the earth?

4.   How is the hydrosphere useful to us?

5.   What do you mean by water cycle?

6.   Distinguish between waves and tides?

7.   Distinguish between warm ocean current and cold ocean current?


D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Explain the working of the water cycle?

2.   Write short notes on (i) waves and tsunami, (ii) tides

E.   Hots Corner

1.   Discuss about the ocean currents.

2.   Explain the formation of tides.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   How are oceans useful to us?

2.   How can you conserve water?





A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   Which forests shed their leaves?

a)   Coniferous         b) Deciduous               c) Tidal               d) Taiga

2.   Zebra found in-

a)   Equatorial Forests                                 c) Savanna Grasslands

b)  Steppe Grasslands                                d) Taiga Forests

3.   Which is the domain of life?

a)   Lithosphere        b) Atmosphere             c) Hydrosphere   d) Biosphere

4.   In tropical evergreen forest, a common animal species is-

a)   Monkey             b) Giraffe                    c) Camel             d) Lion

5.   One important variety of Coniferous forest is-

a)   Rosewood          b) Pine                        c) Teak               d) Sal

6.   Steppe grasslands is found in-

a)   South Africa       b) Australia                  c) Russia             d) South America

7.   Which is the most important factor affecting vegetation growth?

a)   Moisture            b) Temperature           c) Slope              d) Soil

8.   Which factor affects the depletion of forests?

a)   Deforestation                                        c) Cultivation

b)  Grazing                                                d) Construction

9.   Which type of vegetation is found in areas of Moderate Rainfall?

a)   Dense Forest      b) Open Forests           c) Grasslands      d) Shrubs

10.     Which tree is a typical tree of Deciduous forests?

a)   Rosewood          b) Ebony                     c) Mahogany       d) Teak

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What factors influence the type of vegetation in an area?

2.   What are the typical features of tropical evergreen forests?

3.   Name three types of three typical to tropical evergreen forests.

4.   Name three economically important trees in monsoon forests.

5.   Why are the tropical evergreen forests in Brazil called ‘lungs of the Earth’?

6.   Name the types of animals found in grasslands.

7.   Which type of forests dominates most parts of India?

8.   In which part of the world, temperate evergreen forest is found?

9.   Name the typical trees and wild life associated with temperate deciduous forests.

10.     How do the Mediterranean trees adapt themselves in dry summer?

11.     Which region of the world is known for orchards?

12.     List some typical animals which live in coniferous forest.

13.     What is the reason for the name of tropical rainforests?

14.     Why is sunlight not received in the tropical rainforests?

15.     Describe the wildlife found in tropical deciduous forests.

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What are the features of tropical evergreen forests or rainforests?

2.   Explain the chief characteristics of tropical deciduous forests.

3.   Where is the Mediterranean type of vegetation found? State some typical features of this type of vegetation?

4.   State the chief features of Tundra type of vegetation. Name the areas where it is found.

5.   Where the temperate grasslands found? Give some typical features of these grasslands.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Give a brief account of Equatorial Forests?

2.   Explain typical features of Throny vegetation.

3.   Describe the main features of temperate grasslands.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   Why don’t tropical rainforests shed their leaves?

2.   Why do the monsoon forests contain deciduous trees?

3.   Where in India do tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous forests occur? Name the states?

4.   Why are the rain forest not useful commercially?

5.   Distinguish between evergreen forests and deciduous forests.

6.   Compare vegetation found between the eastern and western of temperate latitudes.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   How do the Xerophytic plants adapt to the climatic conditions?

2.   How can we conserve the flora and fauna?








A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   When did man start practising agriculture?

a)   5,000 years ago                           b) 6,000 years ago      

b)  7,000 years ago                           d) 8,000 years ago

2.   Which is the fastest means of transport?

a)   Railways            b) Roads             c) Airways                   d) Pipelines

3.   Where were stone age tools found?

a)   In Asia               b) In Australia     c) In Africa                  d) In South Africa

4.   Which is the cheapest means of transport?

a)   Railways            b) Roads             c) Airways                   d) Waterways

5.   Which means is used for transporting oil?

a)   Railways            b) Pipelines          c) Roads                      d) Shipping

6.   Which factor did not help in settlements becoming larger?

a)   Trade                b) Commerce      c) Manufacturing          d) Soils

7.   In which area, temporary settlements are not found?

a)   Forests              b) Hot deserts     c) Cold deserts             d) River Valleys

8.   The villagers are not engaged in which activity?

a)   Agriculture                 b) Fishing           c) Forestry                 d) Manufacturing

9.   In hilly regions, which type of settlements is found?

a)   Scattered settlements                           c) Compact settlements

b)  Permanent settlements                         d) Urban settlements

10.     Yak is used for transportation in-

a)   Tibet                 b) Alps                c) Urals                       d) Andes

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What is site?

2.   List some natural conditions for selection of an ideal Site.

3.   What are temporary Settlements?

4.   What is transhumance?

5.   What is the importance of satellite in the modern world?

6.   What is the result of over population in the cities?

7.   What is a compact settlement?

8.   What type of settlements can be seen in scattered pattern?

9.   What activities are practiced by the urban people?

10.     What are Express ways

11.     Why were steam engines replaced by Diesel and Electric engines?

12.     Name the cities which are connected by the Golden Quadrilateral.

13.     What are superfast trains? Name any superfast trains.

14.     Name the important inland waterways.

15.     List the important ports of the world.


C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   What are the advantages of road transportation?

2.   What are the determining factors of settlement?

3.   Discuss the importance of railways.

4.   Name the three inland waterways.

5.   Describe three features of airways.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   How did the concept of permanent settlement evolve? Discuss in stages.

2.   Discuss in brief the four major means of transport.

3.   Discuss the importance of transport and communication in the evolution of settlements.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   Name the animal used as ‘beast of burden’.

2.   Give an account of human progress to the stage of permanent settlements.

3.   Write a note on the development of satellite communication.

4.   Distinguish between transport and communication.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   What factors influence settlements?

2.   How is mass communication useful to us?







A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   The equatorial region includes:

a)   Nile Basin   b) Amazon Basin          c) Sudan             d) Mississippi Basin

2.   Which forests make a canopy?

a) Deciduous b) Rainforests              c) Dry                 d) Tidal

3.   Anaconda is a type of:

a) Bird           b) Snake                     c) Animal            d) Crop

4.   Piranha is a type of:

a)   Bird           b) Fish                        c) Animal            d) Crop

5.   Which is the main crop of and agriculture?

a)   Maize         b) Wheat                     c) Rice                d) Cotton

6.   Sunderban is a delta of river-

a)   Ganga        b) Mahanadi                c) Godavari         d) Kaveri

7.   Silk is produced through silkworm in-

a)   Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh c) Odisha            d) Assam


8.   In Arunachal Pradesh, which tree is common?

a) Pine           b) Bamboo                  c) Teak               d) Sal

9. Which of these is an endangered species of animal in Brahmaputra plains?

a) Lion          b) Rohu      c) One horned Rhinoceros     d) None of the above

10. Which town is located on the confluence of Yammuna and Ganga?

         a) Kanpur       b) Allahabad       c) Lucknow d) Patna

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Why is Amazon Basin ecologically so important?

2.   What do you know about Amazon? Give two points.

3.   What happened to the indigenous people of the Amazon Basin?

4.   How are people causing harm to the rainforests of Amazon?

5.   Name the countries of the Amazon basin through which the equator passes?

6.   What type of climate is experienced in the Amazon basin?

7.   List some typical animals of rainforests.

8.   State the extent of the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain?

9.   How has the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain been formed?

10.       Name the types of crops grown in the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain?

11.       Name the important tributaries of river Ganga.

12.       What type of vegetation is found in the Ganga basin? Name some important varieties of trees.

13.       What are the main causes of pollution of river Ganga?

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Describe the life and climate of the Amazon basin.

2.   Write a brief note on the human life in Amazon basin.

3.   Discuss the chief crops of the Ganga basin and the main occupation of the people.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Describe the drainage system of Amazon basin. Explain why it is not as rich a food granary as the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin in India.

2.   What adds importance to the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain? Discuss the relationship between the land and people in this region.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   Why is the density of population high in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin?

2.   Give a brief account of cities and town along the Ganga river.

3.   What are the difficulties in utilizing the rainforests for commercial purposes?

4.   Write a short note on the Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta. Describe its importance also.

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   In what ways is the Amazon region helpful for the environment?

2.   How is the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin useful to people?





A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   Which of these are Tropical Grasslands?

a)   Praries                b) Veld               c) Downs             d) savanna

2.   What is the height of grass in Praries?

a)   1 Metre               b) 4 Metre          c) 2 Metre           d) 3 Metre

3.   Which of these is the main river of Praries?

a)   Mississippi           b) Nile                c) Amazon          d) Volga

4.   What is the summer temperature at Winnipeg?

a)   15 degree C        b) 20 degree       c) 25 degree C    d) 30 degree C

5.   Which is the important cattle of Praries?

a)   Cow                    b) Buffalo            c) Bison              d) Elephant

6.   Chicago is located in-

a)   Praries                b) Veld               c) Downs             d) savanna

7.   Temperate Grasslands are called _____ in south Africa.

a)   Praries                b) Veld               c) Downs             d) savanna

8.   Which is the main river of the Veld region?

a)   Orange               b) Volga              c) Amazon          d) Nile

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   State briefly the climatic condition of the Praries?

2.   What is the main food crop in the Praries?

3.   What are the general climatic conditions in the grasslands?

4.   What is the use of long roots of the grass?

5.   Who were the first people to settle in the praries?

6.   Which transport system helped to open up the Praries to the people?

7.   How in farming done on the Praries?

8.   Name the important centre of diamond mining in Velds.

9.   Name the major mineral resources of the Veld.

10.       Describe the location of the Praries grassland.

11.       Name the limits of the Praries.

12.       Why were the Praries grasslands cleared?

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   Give a brief account of animal rearing in the Praries.

2.   Why has the process of settlement been reserved in the case of Praries?

3.   Why is veld a great expanse of grassland near the sea?

4.   Discuss the chief crop of the veld and main occupation of the people?

5.   What are the three broad divisions of the Veld?

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Describe the geographical location of Veld. Discuss its importance as a grassland region of Africa.

2.   State the main features of the Prarie Grassland.

3.   Praries are known as ‘Granaries of the World’. Why?


E.   Hots Corner

1.   How are cattle reared in the Praries?

2.   What is the importance of Winnipeg?

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   In what ways are grasslands useful for animals?

2.   Why and how did the govt. take measures to restore soil erosion in the early 20th century in the grassland area?







A.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.   Where are Praries located?

a)   North America              b) South America         c) Africa              d) Australia

2.   Which of these is not a temperate grassland?

a)   Pampas                       b) Praries                    c) Veld                d) Campos

3.   What are Selvas?

a)   Taiga forests                                          c) Tidal forests

b)  Forests of Amazon Basin                         d) Forests of Myanmar

4.   Sundarban is formed by-

a)   Ganga Delta        b) Mahanadi Delta        c) Cauvery Delta  d) Krishna Delta

5.   Yak is the main animal of-

a)   Ladakh               b) Ganga Delta            c) Sahara            d) Steppes

6.   Which region has low rainfall, scanty vegetation?

a)   Deserts               b) Grasslands              c) Forests            d) Plains

7.   Sahara Desert has an area of about-

a)   6 million sq. km                                     c) 8 million sq. km        

b)  9 million sq. km                                     d) 7 million sq. km        

8.   Al Aziziya has experienced the highest temperature of-

a)   52 degree C        b) 54 degree C            c) 56 degree C    d) 58 degree C       

B.  Very Short Answer Type Questions

1.   State the location of the Sahara Desert.

2.   What are sand dunes?

3.   What are oasis?

4.   What type of crops are raised around an oasis?

5.   Name the countries bordering the Sahara from all the sides.

6.   Name some important species of animals found in the Sahara Desert.

7.   Where are settlements in Ladakh found?

8.   Name the animals which are reared for milk, meat and hides.

9.   What is the main activity of Bedouins and Tuaregs living in the Sahara?

10.       Name some important monasteries in Ladakh.

C.   Short Answer Type Questions

1.   State the main features of desert vegetation.

2.   Discuss the economic activities of the people in desert region.

3.   Why is Ladakh considered as a desert? Explain the climatic conditions prevailing in Ladakh.

4.   Write a short note on the vegetation of the Ladakh region.

5.   Give a brief description of life of people in Ladakh.

D.  Long Answer Type Questions

1.   Give a detailed account of the Sahara Desert.

2.   Write a geographical account of Ladakh with respect to its location, climate, flora and fauna as well as the life of the people.

E.   Hots Corner

1.   Why is Ladakh known as the cold desert?

2.   Which is known as the ship of the desert and why?

F.   Value Based Questions

1.   How have people adopted to the extreme desert climate?

2.   What do you learn from the life of people in deserts?





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