Showing posts with label GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Governors-General of Bengal and Governors-General of India


Governor-General of India & Important Events

The first Governor-General of Bengal was Warren Hastings with tenure of office from 1772-1785. Warren Hastings was an English statesman, the head of the Supreme Council of Bengal. He brought an end to the Dual Government system by enforcing the Regulating Act of 1773. He founded the Calcutta Madrasa for the promotion of Islamic studies, and the Asiatic Society of Bengal with William Jones in the year 1781 and 1784 respectively. Hastings was also elected as a fellow of the Royal Society in 1801.

Charter Act of 1833 made Governor-General of Bengal as Governor-General of British India. And, William Bentick was the first Governor-General of British India. 

More such information on different Viceroys and Governor-General Of India along with the major reforms brought by them are given below in the form of a list. 

List of Governors-General of Bengal

YearGovernor-General of BengalMajor Reforms & Events
1772-1785Warren HastingsFirst Governor-General of Bengal

End to the dual system of administration

Regulating Act of 1773

Supreme Court at Calcutta

Asiatic Society of Bengal

First Anglo-Maratha War and Treaty of Salbai

First English translation of Bhagavad Gita

Pitt’s India Act-1784

1786-1793Lord CornwallisEstablishment of Appellate courts and lower grade courts

Establishment of Sanskrit college

Third Anglo-Mysore War and Treaty of Seringapatam

Introduction of Permanent Settlement and civil services

1793-1798Sir John Shore Charter act of 1793

Policy of Non-intervention

Battle of Kharda

1798-1805Lord Wellesley Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance System

Fourth Anglo- Mysore war and the Treaty of Bassein

Second Anglo – Maratha war

Establishment of Madras presidency

Establishing Fort William College at Calcutta

1805-1807Sir George BarlowThe Acting Governor-General of India until the arrival of Lord Minto,

Diminished the area of British territory because of his passion for economy and retrenchment,

The Mutiny of Vellore took place in 1806

1807-1813Lord Minto IConcluded the treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1809,

Introduced the Charter Act of 1813

1813-1823Lord Hastings The policy of Non-intervention came to an end

third Anglo-Maratha war

Abolition of Peshwaship

Establishment of the Ryotwari System in Madras (By Thomas Munroe) and Bombay

Mahalwari system in north-western Provinces and Bombay

1823-1828 Lord Amherst The annexation of Assam leading to the first Burmese war of 1824,

The mutiny of Barrackpore in 1824

Governors-General of India

YearGovernors-General of IndiaMajor Reforms
1828-1835Lord William BentinckFirst Governor-General of India (Charter Act of 1833 made Governor-General of Bengal as Governor-General of India.)

Abolition of Sati

Suppression of Thugee, infanticide and child sacrifices.

English Education Act of 1835

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata 

1835-1836Lord Charles Metcalfe‘Liberator of the Indian press

detached all restraints on an open press

1836-1842Lord AucklandDedicated himself to the improvement of native schools and the expansion of the commercial industry of India

The first Anglo-Afghan war 

1842-1844Lord EllenboroughSindh was annexed
1844-1848Lord Hardinge IFirst Anglo Sikh War (1845-46)
Lord Dalhousie (Governors-General of India)introduced ‘Doctrine of Lapse‘

Doctrine of Good

Charles Wood Dispatch

Post Office Act, 1854

1st Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane

Established engineering college in Roorkee

Second Anglo-Sikh War 

First telegraph line

 Establishment of the Public Works Department 

Abolition of titles and pensions.

Started Competitive  examination for Indian Civil Services 

Widow Remarriage Act

1856-1857Lord CanningThree universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857 were established

Revolt of 1857 took place

Note – Post-1857 Revolt, Governor-General of India was made Viceroy of British India and Canning became the first Viceroy of India/British India.

Major Sources of Indian Constitution


The Indian Constitution, originally titled as Bharatiya Samvidhana has been effective since 26th January 1950. It is the longest constitution in the world, and fairly enough since it has been influenced by the constitutions of different countries. Considering the diversity of culture, religion and languages present in the country, the constitution was made leaving nobody out of the frame.

How have other constitutions influenced the Indian Constitution?

Government of India Act, 1935

  • The Federal Scheme  

The Federalism in India discusses the distribution of legal authority over national, state and neighborhood governments in India. It is installed from the Canadian model of federalism. The Constitution of India sets up a bureaucratic structure to the Indian government, proclaiming it to be a “Union of States”.

  • Office of Governor

Article 153 of the Constitution of India requires a governor to be designated for each state in India. Like the President is for the Union, the governor is the chief executive leader of a state. The governor is neither directly chosen by individuals nor, similar to the president, chosen by a specially constituted Electoral College.

  • Judiciary

Chapter IV under Part V of the constitution (Union) deals with The Union Judiciary. The constitution and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is stated in detail from articles 124-147. The Judiciary in India is integrated unlike the Legislature or the Executive branches.

  • Public Service Commissions

Articles 315 to 323 in Part XIV of the Constitution of India provides for the establishment of Public Service Commission for the Union and a Public Service Commission for each State. Each state has its own Public Service Commission with functions similar to the Union Public Service Commission.

  • Emergency provisions

Emergency Provisions are contained in Part Eighteen of the Constitution of India. The President of India has the power to impose emergency rule in any or all the Indian states if the security of part or all of India is threatened by “war or external aggression or armed rebellion”.

  • Administrative details

This section provides an insight into Indian governance and administration at the Central, state as well as local level. Information about the Constitution of India, Parliament and Legislature, Union administration, state, district and local administration is given.


  • Parliamentary government

India’s modern parliamentary institutions originate from the British colonial administration but developed organically as a result of increasing Indian demand for greater representation in government.  India’s federal legislative branch consists of the President, the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) as the upper house, and the Lok Sabha (House of the People) as the lower house.

  • Rule of Law

The concept of Rule of Law is that the state is governed, not by the ruler or the nominated representatives of the people but by the law.

  • Legislative procedure

The Legislative procedure in India for the Union Government requires that proposed bills pass through the two legislative houses of the Parliament of India, i.e. the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

  • Single citizenship

The conferment of a person, as a citizen of India, is governed by Articles 5 to 11 (Part II) of the Constitution of India. Indian nationality law largely follows the jus sanguinis (citizenship by right of blood) as opposed to the jus soli (citizenship by right of birth within the territory).

  • Cabinet system

The term comes from the name for a relatively small and private room used as a study or retreat. Phrases such as “cabinet counsel,” meaning advice given in private to the monarch, occur from the late 16th century, and, given the non-standardized spelling of the day, it is often hard to distinguish whether “council” or “counsel” is meant.

  • Prerogative Writs

A prerogative writ is a writ (official order) directing the behavior of another arm of government, such as an agency, official, or other courts. It was originally available only to the Crown under English law and reflected the discretionary prerogative and extraordinary power of the monarch.

  • Parliamentary privileges

Parliamentary privileges are defined in Article 105 of the Indian Constitution. The members of Parliament are exempted from any civil or criminal liability for any statement made or act done in the course of their duties.

  • Bicameralism

The Parliament of India is the supreme legislative body of the Republic of India. It is a bicameral legislature composed of the President of India and the two houses: the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People)


  • Directive Principles of State Policy

Part IV of the Indian Constitution deals with Directive Principles of our State Policy (DPSP). The provisions contained in this Part cannot be enforced by any court, but these principles are fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws

  • Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha

The nomination of eminent members to Rajya Sabha. As per Article 80 (Part V) of the Constitution, the President can nominate 12 members in the Council of States (Rajya Sabha). These persons should have special knowledge or practical experience in the field of Art, Science, Literature and Social Service.

  • Method of election of the president

Method of Election of the President: The Constitution lays down that President of India is to be elected indirectly by an electoral college in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote system and secret ballot

United States of America

  • Impeachment of the president

Article 61 mentions the procedure for impeachment of the President. When a President is to be impeached for violation of the Constitution, the charge shall be preferred by either House of Parliament. Such resolution has to be passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the House.

  • Functions of president and vice-president

Only one function is assigned to the VP by the Indian Constitution. The VP of India acts to function as ex-officio chairman of the council of states. Acts as acting President if there is vacancy due to the death, resignation or impeachment of the President till a new President is elected.

  • Removal of Supreme Court and High court judges

Per Article 124(4) of the constitution, President can remove a judge on proved misbehaviour or incapacity when parliament approves with a majority of the total membership of each house in favour of impeachment and not less than two-thirds of the members of each house present

  • Fundamental Rights

The six fundamental rights recognised by the Indian constitution are the:

i. Right to equality.

ii. Right to freedom.

iii. Right against exploitation.

iv. Right to freedom of religion.

v. Cultural and Educational Right, and

vi. Right to constitutional remedies.

  • Judicial review

Judicial Review refers to the power of the judiciary to interpret the constitution and to declare any such law or order of the legislature and executive void if it finds them in conflict the Constitution of India.

  • Independence of judiciary

Independence of Judiciary led by the Supreme Court. The Indian Constitution protects citizens from any partial judgment. And, this gives the power to the judiciary to make decisions based on the rules of the law, in case of any dispute. The independence of judiciary calls for ‘separation of powers’.

  • Preamble of the constitution

The preamble gives the intention of the drafting committee, intention to create a welfare state with secular beliefs. The objectives before the Constituent Assembly were to Constitute India into a “sovereign democratic republic” and to secure its citizens “justice liberty, equality, and fraternity”.


  • Federation with a strong Centre

The Constituent Assembly members were convinced that a vast country like India could not be efficiently governed from a single Centre and thought it desirable to adopt a federal system of government. The diversity of race, religion, and language also impelled them to go for federal policy, because it could ensure unity of the country while assuring autonomy in matters of local importance.

  • Vesting of residuary powers in the Centre

Foreseeing the possibility of a situation in which legislation might be required on matters that are not mentioned in any of the three Lists, the Founding Fathers made residuary provisions in Article 248 of the Constitution and Entry 97 of the Union List. The residuary powers of legislation are vested in the Centre.

  • Appointment of state governors by the Centre

The Governor of a State shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal (Article 155). A person to be eligible for appointment as Governor should be a citizen of India and has completed the age of 35 years (Article 157)

  • Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has special advisory jurisdiction in matters which may specifically be referred to it by the President of India under Article 143 of the Indian Constitution.


  • Concurrent List

The Concurrent List or List-III(Seventh Schedule) is a list of 52 items (though the last item is numbered 47) given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. It includes the power to be considered by both the central and state government.

  • Freedom of trade

Part XIII of the constitution contains provisions relating to the freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse within the territory of India. While the general rule of freedom of trade and intercourse is enunciated in article 301, it may be subjected to restrictions laid down in articles 302-305

  • Commerce and intercourse

Article 302 empowers parliament to impose restrictions on the freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse between one state and another, or within any part of the territory of India, in the public interest. The state legislatures are given the power to regulate trade and commerce under Article 304 subject to Article 303.

  • Joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament

The Parliament of India is bicameral. The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President (Article 108) and is presided over by the Speaker or, in his absence, by the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha or in his absence, the Deputy-Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

Soviet Constitution (USSR, now Russia)

  • Fundamental duties

The Fundamental Duties are defined as the moral obligations of all citizens to help promote a spirit of patriotism and to uphold the unity of India. These duties set out in Part IV–A of the Constitution, concern individuals and the nation.

  • The ideal of justice (social, economic and political) in the Preamble

Justice, as mentioned in the preamble of the Indian constitution, means that all people no matter their race, caste, religion, gender or reputation will be seen as equals when they stand before the law.


  • The ideals of Republic in the Preamble

In a republican form of government, the head of state is elected and not a hereditary monarch. Thus, this word denotes a government where no one holds public power as proprietary right As opposed to a monarchy, in which the head of state is appointed on a hereditary basis for life or at least until abdication, a democratic republic is an entity in which the head of state is elected, directly or indirectly, for a fixed tenure. Thus, India has a President who is elected and has a fixed term of office.

  • The ideals of Liberty in the Preamble

The idea of Liberty refers to the freedom on the activities of Indian nationals. This establishes that there are no unreasonable restrictions on Indian citizens in term of what they think, their manner of expressions and the way they wish to follow up their thoughts in action. However, liberty does not mean freedom to do anything, and it must be exercised within the constitutional limits.

  • The ideals of Equality in the Preamble

This envisages that no section of the society enjoys special privileges and individuals are provided with adequate opportunities without any discrimination: all are equal before the law

  • The ideals of Fraternity in the Preamble

This alludes to a sentiment of fellowship and a feeling of having a sense of belonging to the nation among its kin. It holds onto mental just as regional components of National Integration. It rules out regionalism, communalism, casteism and so forth., which prevents the solidarity of the State.

Weimar Constitution of Germany

  • Suspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency

National emergency under Article 352. Amid a national emergency, numerous Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens can be suspended. The six freedoms under Right to Freedom are consequently suspended. Conversely, the Right to Life and Personal Liberty can’t be suspended by the original Constitution.

South African Constitution

  • Procedure for amendment of the Constitution

Part XX of the Constitution of India has only one article mentioning that is Article 368 that deals with the amendment of the Constitution. As per this article, Parliament may include, amend or repeal any provision of the constitution according to the procedure set down for this reason.

  • Election of members of Rajya Sabha

The greater part of the members from the House is indirectly chosen by the members of States and Union Territories of India state and regional legislatures utilizing single transferable votes through Open Ballot, while the President can select 12 individuals for their contribution to art, literature, science, and social services. Members sit for terms enduring six years, with a third of the members up for the elections every 2 years.


  • Concept of “procedure established by Law”

Procedure built up by law implies that a law that is appropriately authorized by legislature or the concerned body is substantial in the event that it has pursued the right procedure. Following this doctrine implies that, an individual can be denied of his life or individual freedom as indicated by the procedure built up by law.


Since independence, the constitutional history of the country represents the tension between the texts of democracy and justice with hostility between Parliament and the judiciary. Parliament continued to use its power to amend the Constitution to overrule the decisions of the judiciary until 1973, when the Supreme Court declared that the amending power of the Parliament could not violate the basic structure of the Constitution.

Yet, all in all, an equilibrium has been established between the constitution’s democratic and justice texts.

Finally, the Constitution is addressed not only to the government or the courts but to the people to imbibe the essence of their democracy. Electoral democracy in India is a relentless election marathon In the midst of many hardships, it is a testament to the Indians, a kind of civic religion that the Indians have embraced. The miracle is continuing.

National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuary in India

National Parks in India

National Parks in India are discussed here along with the Wildlife Sanctuaries. These are the suitable place for biodiversity conservation. National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries are protected areas declared by Government with the primary objective to preserve wildlife, save flora & fauna and restore the natural ecological balance. There are 103 National Parks and 544 Wildlife Sanctuaries in India. Madhya Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands have the maximum number of National Parks (9 each). The spectacular natural beauty across the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India attracts millions of tourists every year.

National Parks in India: Overview

National park is an area which is strictly reserved for the betterment of the wildlife and biodiversity, and where activities like developmental, forestry, poaching, hunting and grazing on cultivation are not permitted. The government can declare an area as a national park with adequate ecological, geo-morphological and natural significance. In these parks, even private ownership rights are not allowed. Their boundaries are well marked and circumscribed. They are usually small reserves spreading in an area of 100 sq. km. to 500 sq. km. In national parks, the emphasis is on the preservation of a single floral or fauna species. Thanks to India’s biodiversity, there is at least one national park in each state that displays vivid flora and fauna of the region.

National Parks in India: Important Points

  • Largest National Park: Hemis National Park, Jammu & Kashmir

  • Smallest National Park: South Button Island National Park, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

  • Largest Wildlife Sanctuary: Rann of Kutch, Gujarat

  • Smallest Wildlife Sanctuary: Bor Tiger reserve, Maharashtra

National Parks in India: State Wise

Here is the state wise list of National Parks in India.

State/Union TerritoryTotal  ParksNational Parks NameEstablishment Year
Andaman & Nicobar Islands9Campbell Bay National Park1992
Galathea Bay National Park1992
Mahatama Gandhi Marine (Wandoor) National Park1982
Middle Button Island National Park1987
Mount Harriett National Park1987
North Button Island National Park1987
Rani Jhansi Marine National Park1996
Saddle Peak National Park1987
South Button Island National Park1987
Andhra Pradesh3Papikonda National Park2008
Rajiv Gandhi (Rameswaram) National Park2005
Sri Venkateswara National Park1989
Arunachal Pradesh2Mouling National Park1986
Namdapha National Park1983
Assam5Dibru-Saikhowa National Park1999
Kaziranga National Park1974
Manas National Park1990
Nameri National Park1998
Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park1999
Bihar1Valmiki National Park1989
Chhattisgarh3Guru Ghasidas (Sanjay) National Park1981
Indravati (Kutru) National Park1982
Kanger Valley National Park1982
Goa1Mollem National Park1992
Gujarat4Vansda National Park1979
Blackbuck (Velavadar) National Park1976
Gir National Park1975
Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) National Park1982
Haryana2Kalesar National Park2003
SultaNational Parkur National Park1989
Himachal Pradesh5Great Himalayan National Park1984
Inderkilla National Park2010
Khirganga National Park2010
Pin Valley National Park1987
Simbalbara National Park2010
Jammu and Kashmir4City Forest (Salim Ali) National Park1992
Dachigam National Park1981
Kishtwar National Park1981
Jharkhand1Betla National Park1986
Karnataka5Anshi National Park1987
Bandipur National Park1974
Bannerghatta National Park1974
Kudremukh National Park1987
Nagarahole (Rajiv Gandhi) National Park1988
Kerala6Anamudi Shola National Park2003
Eravikulam National Park1978
Mathikettan Shola National Park2003
Pambadum Shola National Park2003
Periyar National Park1982
Silent Valley National Park1984
Madhya Pradesh9Bandhavgarh National Park1968
Fossil National Park1983
Indira Priyadarshini Pench National Park1975
Kanha National Park1955
Madhav National Park1959
Panna National Park1981
Sanjay National Park1981
Satpura National Park1981
Van Vihar National Park1979
Maharashtra6Chandoli National Park2004
Gugamal National Park1975
Nawegaon National Park1975
Pench (Jawaharlal Nehru) National Park1975
Sanjay Gandhi (Borivali) National Park1983
Tadoba National Park1955
Manipur1Keibul-Lamjao National Park1977
Meghalaya2Balphakram National Park1985
Nokrek Ridge National Park1986
Mizoram2Murlen National Park1991
Phawngpui Blue Mountain National Park1992
Nagaland1Intanki National Park1993
Odisha2Bhitarkanika National Park1988
Simlipal National Park1980
Rajasthan5Mukundra Hills National Park2006
Desert National Park1992
Keoladeo Ghana National Park1981
Ranthambhore National Park1980
Sariska National Park1992
Sikkim1Khangchendzonga National Park1977
Tamil Nadu5Guindy National Park1976
Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park1980
Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) National Park1989
Mudumalai National Park1990
Mukurthi National Park1990
Ladakh1Hemis National Park1981
Telangana3Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park1994
Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali National Park1994
Mrugavani National Park1994
Tripura2Clouded Leopard National Park2007
Bison (Rajbari) National Park2007
Uttar Pradesh1Dudhwa National Park1977
Uttarakhand6Corbett National Park1936
Gangotri National Park1989
Govind National Park1990
Nanda Devi National Park1982
Rajaji National Park1983
Valley of Flowers National Park1982
West Bengal6Buxa National Park1992
Gorumara National Park1992
Jaldapara National Park2014
Neora Valley National Park1986
Singalila National Park1986
Sunderban National Park1984

Wildlife Sanctuary in India

Wildlife Sanctuary is an area demarcated for the protection of a particular species of flora and fauna. Limited human activities may be allowed by the state authorities for the people living inside it. For e.g. Wildlife authorities may allow livestock grazing for a particular community living there. Any exploitation of wildlife is punishable offense and removal of forest produce requires a recommendation from relevant National or State Wildlife Board.

List of Wildlife Sanctuary in India

State/Union TerritoryTotal Wildlife SanctuaryWildlife Sanctuary NameYear
Andaman and Nicobar96Arial Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Bamboo Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Barren Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Battimalv Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Belle Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Benett Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Bingham Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Blister Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Bluff Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Bondoville Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Brush Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Buchanan Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Chanel Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Cinque Islands Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Clyde Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Cone Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Curlew (B.P.) Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Curlew Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Cuthbert Bay Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Defence Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Dot Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Dottrell Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Duncan Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
East Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
East of Inglis Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Egg Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Elat Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Entrance Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Gander Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Galathea Bay Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Girjan Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Goose Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Hump Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Interview Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
James Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Jungle Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Kwangtung Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Kyd Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Landfall Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Latouche Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Lohabarrack (Saltwater Crocodile) Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Mangrove Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Mask Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Mayo Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Megapode Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Montogemery Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Narcondam Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
North Brother Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
North Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
North Reef Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Oliver Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Orchid Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Ox Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Oyster Island-I Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Oyster Island-II Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Paget Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Parkinson Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Passage Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Patric Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Peacock Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Pitman Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Point Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Potanma Islands Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Ranger Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Reef Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Roper Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Ross Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Rowe Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sandy Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sea Serpent Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Shark Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Shearme Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sir Hugh Rose Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sisters Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Snake Island-I Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Snake Island-II Wildlife Sanctuary1987
South Brother Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
South Reef Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
South Sentinel Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Spike Island-I Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Spike Island-II Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Stoat Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Surat Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Swamp Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Table (Delgarno) Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Table (Excelsior) Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Talabaicha Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Temple Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Tillongchang Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Tree Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Trilby Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Tuft Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary1987
West Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Wharf Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
White Cliff Island Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Andhra Pradesh13Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Gundla Brahmeswaram Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary2002
Koundinya Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Kolleru  Wildlife Sanctuary1953
Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Nagarjuna Sagar - Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Nellapattu Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Pulicat Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Sri Lankamalleswara Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Sri Penusila Narasimha Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Sri Venkateswara Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Arunachal Pradesh11D’Ering Memorial (Lali) Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Eagle Nest Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Kamlang Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Kane Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Mahao Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Pakke (Pakhui) Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Sessa Orchid Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Tale Wildlife Sanctuary1995
Yordi Rabe Supse Wildlife Sanctuary1996
Assam18Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary2004
Barail Wildlife Sanctuary2004
Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Bherjan-Borajan-Padumoni Wildlife Sanctuary1999
Burachapari Wildlife Sanctuary1995
Chakrasila Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Deepor Beel Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Dihing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary2004
East Karbi Anglong Wildlife Sanctuary2000
Garampani Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Hollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Lawkhowa Wildlife Sanctuary1972
Marat Longri Wildlife Sanctuary2003
Nambor Wildlife Sanctuary2000
Nambor-Doigrung  Wildlife Sanctuary2003
Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Pani-Dihing Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1995
Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary1998
Bihar12Barela Jheel Salim Ali Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Gautam Budha Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Kanwarjheel Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Nagi Dam Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Nakti Dam Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Pant (Rajgir) Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Valmiki Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Chhattisgarh11Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Badalkhol Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Bhairamgarh Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Bhoramdev Wildlife Sanctuary2001
Sarangarh - Gomardha Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Pamed Wild Buffalo Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Semarsot Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Tamor Pingla Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Udanti Wild Buffalo Wildlife Sanct1985
Chandigarh2City Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1998
Sukhna Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Dadra and Nagar Haveli1Dadra and Nagar Haveli Wildlife Sanctuary2000
Daman and Diu1Fudam Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Delhi1Asola Bhati (Indira Priyadarshini) Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Goa6Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary1969
Dr. Salim Ali Bird (Chorao) Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Cotigaon Wildlife Sanctuary1968
Madei Wildlife Sanctuary1999
Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary1967
Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary1999
Gujarat23Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Barda Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Gaga (Great Indian Bustard) Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Gir Wildlife Sanctuary1965
Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary2008
Hingolgadh Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Jambughoda Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Kachchh (Lala) Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary1995
Kachchh Desert Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Khijadiya Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary2004
Nal Sarovar Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1969
Narayan Sarovar Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary1995
Paniya Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Porbandar Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Purna Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Rampara Vidi Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Ratanmahal Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Shoolpaneswar (Dhumkhal) Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary1973
Haryana8Abubshehar Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Bhindawas Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Bir Shikargarh Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Chhilchhila Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary1996
Khaparwas Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Morni Hills (Khol-Hi-Raitan) Wildlife Sanctuary2004
Nahar Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Himachal Pradesh28Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Chail Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Chandratal Wildlife Sanctuary2007
Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Daranghati Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Dhauladhar Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Gamgul Siyabehi Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Kais Wildlife Sanctuary1954
Kalatop-Khajjiar Wildlife Sanctuary1958
Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary1954
Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary1954
Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Kugti Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Lippa Asrang Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Majathal Wildlife Sanctuary1954
Manali Wildlife Sanctuary1954
Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Pong Dam Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Renuka Wildlife Sanctuary2013
Rupi Bhaba Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Sainj Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Rakchham Chitkul (Sangla Valley) Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Sech Tuan Nala Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Shikari Devi Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Shimla Water Catchment Wildlife Sanctuary1958
Talra Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Tirthan Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Tundah Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Jammu and Kashmir15Baltal-Thajwas Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Gulmarg Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Hirapora Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Hokersar Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Karakoram (Nubra Shyok) Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Lachipora Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Limber Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Nandni Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Overa-Aru Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Rajparian (Daksum) Wildlife Sanctuary2002
Ramnagar Rakha Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Surinsar Mansar Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Trikuta Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Jharkhand11Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Gautam Budha Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Kodarma Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Lawalong Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Mahuadanr Wolf Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Palamau Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Topchanchi Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Udhwa Lake Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Karnataka30Adichunchunagiri Peacock Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Arabithittu Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Attiveri Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Bhimgad Wildlife Sanctuary2010
Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple (B.R.T.) Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary2012
Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Daroji Bear Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Ghataprabha Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Gudavi Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Gudekote Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary2013
Jogimatti Wildlife Sanctuary2015
Malai Mahadeshwara Wildlife Sanctuary2013
Melkote Temple Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Mookambika Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Ranebennur Black Buck Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Ranganathittu Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1940
Ramadevara Betta Vulture Wildlife Sanctuary2012
Rangayyanadurga Four-horned antelope Wildlife Sanctuary2011
Sharavathi Valley Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Shettihalli Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary1974
Talakaveri Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Thimlapura Wildlife Sanctuary2016
Yadahalli Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary2015
Kerala17Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Chulannur Peafowl Wildlife Sanctuary2007
Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Kottiyoor Wildlife Sanctuary2011
Kurinjimala Wildlife Sanctuary2006
Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary2010
Mangalavanam Bird Wildlife Sanctuary2004
Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary1958
Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary1973
Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary1958
Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary1950
Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Thattekad Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary1973
Lakshadweep1Pitti (Bird Island) Wildlife Sanctuary1995
Madhya Pradesh25Bagdara Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Bori Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Ghatigaon Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Karera Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Ken Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Narsighgarh Wildlife Sanctuary1978
National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Noradehi Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Orcha Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Panna (Gangau) Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Pench Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Phen Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Sailana Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Sanjay Dubari Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Sardarpur Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Singhori Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Veerangna Durgavati Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Maharashtra42Amba Barwa Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Aner Dam Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Bhamragarh Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Bor Wildlife Sanctuary1970
Chaprala Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Deulgaon-Rehekuri Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Dhyanganga Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Gangewadi New Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary2015
Gautala-Autramghat Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Jaikwadi Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Kalsubai Harishchandragad Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Karnala Fort Wildlife Sanctuary1968
Karanja Sohal Blackbuck Wildlife Sanctuary2000
Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Koyana Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Lonar Wildlife Sanctuary2000
Malvan Marine Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Mansingdeo Wildlife Sanctuary2010
Mayureswar Supe Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary1970
Naigaon Peacock Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Nandur Madhameshwar Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Narnala Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Nawegaon Wildlife Sanctuary2012
New Bor Wildlife Sanctuary2012
New Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary2012
Painganga Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary1958
Sagareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary1970
Thane Creek Flamingo Wildlife Sanctuary2015
Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary2003
Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary1969
Yedsi Ramlin Ghat Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Umred-Kharngla Wildlife Sanctuary2012
Wan Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Manipur2Yangoupokpi Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Khongjaingamba Ching Wildlife Sanctuary2016
Meghalaya4Baghmara Pitcher Plant Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Narpuh Wildlife Sanctuary2015
Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Siju Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Mizoram8Dampa Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Khawnglung Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Lengteng Wildlife Sanctuary1999
Ngengpui Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Pualreng Wildlife Sanctuary2004
Tawi Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Thorangtlang Wildlife Sanctuary2002
Tokalo Wildlife Sanctuary2007
Nagaland3Fakim Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Puliebadze Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Rangapahar Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Odisha19Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary1962
Baisipalli Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Balukhand Konark Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Chandaka Dampara Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Chilika (Nalaban) Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Gahirmatha (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Hadgarh Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Kapilash Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Karlapat Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Kothagarh Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Lakhari Valley Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Nandankanan Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Satkosia Gorge Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Simlipal Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Sunabeda Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Punjab13Abohar Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Bir Aishvan Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Bir Bhadson Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Bir Bunerheri Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Bir Dosanjh Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Bir Gurdialpura Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Bir Mehaswala Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Bir Motibagh Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Harike Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Jhajjar Bacholi Wildlife Sanctuary1998
Kathlaur Kushlian Wildlife Sanctuary2007
Takhni-Rehampur Wildlife Sanctuary1992
Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary2009
Rajasthan25Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Bhensrodgarh Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Darrah Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Jaisamand Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Jawahar Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary1975
Kailadevi Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Kesarbagh Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary1971
Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary1960
Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary1980
National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Phulwari Ki Nal Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Ramsagar Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Sajjangarh Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Sawaimadhopur Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Sawai Man Singh Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Shergarh Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Sitamata Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary1971
Todgarh Raoli Wildlife Sanctuary1983
Van Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Bandh Baratha Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Sikkim7Barsey Rhododendron Wildlife Sanctuary1998
Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Kitam Bird Wildlife Sanctuary2005
Kyongnosla Alpine Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Maenam Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Pangolakha Wildlife Sanctuary2002
Shingba Rhododendron Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Tamil Nadu29Cauvery North Wildlife Sanctuary2014
Chitrangudi Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Gangaikondam Spotted Dear Wildlife Sanctuary2013
Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Kalakad Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Kanjirankulam Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary2002
Karaivetti Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1999
Karikilli Birds Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary2013
Koonthankulam-Kadankulam Wildlife Sanctuary1994
Megamalai Wildlife Sanctuary2016
Melaselvanoor-Keelaselvanoor Wildlife Sanctuary1998
Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary1942
Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Nellai Wildlife Sanctuary2015
Oussudu Lake Bird Sanctuary2015
Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary1967
Pulicat Lake Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Sathyamangalam WS2008, 2011
Srivilliputhur Grizzled Squirrel Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Theerthangal Bird Sanctuary2016
Sakkarakottai Bird Sanctuary2016
Udayamarthandapuram Lake Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Vaduvoor Birds Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Vedanthangal Lake Birds Wildlife Sanctuary1936
Vellanadu Blackbuck Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Vellode Birds Wildlife Sanctuary1997
Vettangudi Birds Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Telangana9Nagarjuna Sagar-Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary1953
Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary1965
Kinnersani Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Lanja Madugu Siwaram Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Manjeera Crocodile Wildlife Sanctuary1978
Pakhal Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary1952
Pranahita Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Tripura4Gumti Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Sepahijala Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Trishna Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Uttar Pradesh25Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Chandraprabha Wildlife Sanctuary1957
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Bird Wildlife Sanctuary2003
Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary1972
Lakh Bahosi Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Mahavir Swami Wildlife Sanctuary1977
National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary1979
Nawabganj Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1984
Okhala Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Parvati Aranga Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Patna Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Pilibhit Wildlife Sanctuary2014
Ranipur Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Saman Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Samaspur Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sandi Birds Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Sohagibarwa Wildlife Sanctuary1987
Sohelwa Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Sur Sarovar Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Jai Prakash Narayan (Surhatal) Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1991
Turtle Wildlife Sanctuary1989
Vijai Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary1990
Uttarakhand7Askot Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary1988
Govind Pashu Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary1955
Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary1972
Mussoorie Wildlife Sanctuary1993
Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary2012
Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary1987
West Bengal15Ballavpur Wildlife Sanctuary1977
Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Bibhuti Bhusan Wildlife Sanctuary1980
Buxa Wildlife Sanctuary1986
Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Chintamani Kar Bird Wildlife Sanctuary1982
Haliday Island Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Jorepokhri Salamander Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Lothian Island Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Raiganj Wildlife Sanctuary1985
Ramnabagan Wildlife Sanctuary1981
Sajnakhali Wildlife Sanctuary1976
Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary1976
West Sunderban Wildlife Sanctuary2013