Friday, May 21, 2021





        Societies evolved by varna system as prescribed by Brahmanas.

        Tribes: Not divided into unequal classes. Members were united under kinship bonds- agriculture, hunter, gatherer or herder, they were nomadic and controlled land and pasture jointly.

        Tribes lived in forest, hills, desert and places difficult to reach, tribes retained their freedom and preserved separate culture.

        Tribes did not keep written records and preserved rich customs and oral traditions.

        Powerful tribes controlled large areas. Punjab- 13th and 14th century-Khokhar tribes and later Gakkhar tribes (Their chief, Kamal Khan Gakkhar, was made noble by Emperor Akbar)

        Multan and Sindh- Langahs and Arghuns tribes; Balochis were powerful in NW and divided into smaller clans (groups of families or households claiming descent from a common ancestor).

        Western Himalayas- Gaddi tribes

        North East- Nagas, Ahoms tribes

        Bihar and Jharkhand- Cheros tribes- defeated by (Raja Man Singh, Akbar’s general Cheros in 1591)

        Odisha and Bengal- Mundas and Santhals

        Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Gujurat- Kolis

        South India- Koragas, Vetars, maravars

        Western and Central India- Bhils

        CG, MP, MH, AP- Gonds


        Nomadic Pastoralists- moved long distances with animals

        Lived on milk and pastoral products

        Exchanged wool, ghee, etc with settled agriculturists for grain, cloth, utensils

        Banjaras- Trader nomads, caravans known as tanda (group), they bought grains where it was cheaper and sold where it was dearav- AllaudinKhaliji used Banjaras to transport grain to the city markets, transported food grains to army during military campaigns

        Itinerant groups- Craftspersons, pedlers and entertainers travel from place to place practicing their different occupations

        Both Nomads and Itinerants visited same place every year

        Mendicants acted as wandering merchants



        Smaller caste and Jatis emerged within Varnas

        New caste appeared amongst Brahmansa- smiths, carpentors and Masons were also recognized as separate Jatis by Brahmanas

        Jatis and not Varna became basis for organizing society

        Rathakaras (Chariot makers)- include architecture, building coaches and chariots – as mentioned in UyyakondanUdaiyar, in Tiruchirapalli taluka

        In Kshatriyas- Rajputs emerged (belonged to different lineages, such as Hunas, Chandelas, Chalukyas )- it gave way for tribal population to follow

        Emergence of state is related to social change amongst tribals


        Lived in Gondwanaland

        Practiced shifting agriculture

        Gonds divided into clans

        Each clan had its own Raja or rai

        Large Gond kingdoms were beginning to dominate smaller Gond chiefs

        Akbar nama, history of Akbar’s reign, mentioned Gond Kingdom of Garha Katanga that had 70,000 villages

        Centralized administration with kingdom divided into garh

        Garh was controlled by Gonds and divided into 84 villages as chaurasi

        Chaurasi further divided into group of 12 villages as barhots society became unequal

        Brahmons got land grant from Gond rajas and became influential

        Gond chiefs wished to be recognized as Rajputs.

        Aman Das, Gond Raja of Garha Katanga, assumed title of Sangram Shah

        His son, Dalpat, married princess Durgawati, the daughter of Salbahan, the Chandel Rajput raja of MahobaDalpat died early but Durgawati was capable and ruled in lieu of 5 year old son.

        Bir Narayan- Mughal forces under Asaf Khan attacked- Durgawati preferred to died rather than Surrender and later her son also died. Garha Katanga was rich state & earned by trapping and exporting wild elephants to other kingdoms. Mughals captured precious coins and elephants, annexed and granted the rest to Chandra Shah, an uncle of Bir Narayan.

        After fall of Garha Katanga, Gond kingdoms survived for some time & became weaker later.



        Migrated to Brahmaputra valley from Myanmar in 13th century.

        Created new state of Bhuiyans (landlords)

        16th century they annexed kingdoms of Chhutiyas (1523) & Koch-Hajo (1581).

        1530s used fire arms.

        1660s- made Gun powder & cannons (Heavy gun fired from a tank)

        In 1662, Mughals under Mir Jumla attacked Ahoms and defeated them

        State depended on forced labors and those forced to work were called Paiks. Each village had to send Paiks on rotation

        Early 17th century- Administration was centralized with all adult males in army during war, at other times in building dams and public work.

        Society divided into clans or Khels. Khel controlled several villages.

        Initially worshiped tribal gods but later influence of Brahmans increased & during Sib Singh – Hindus became common

        Poets and theatre was common

        Work of Sanskrit was translated to local languages

        Historical works (buranjis) were written first in Ahom language and then in Assamese.



        Varna based society and tribal people interacted

        Many merged with caste based societywith time

        Others rejected caste system and Hinduism

        Some became politically very powerful



        Pastoral and hunter- gatherer tribe

        Inhabited the grasslands (steppes) of central Asia and the forested areas further north

        By 1206 Genghis Khan had united Mongols and Turkish tribes into a powerful military forces. At his death (1227) he was the ruler of extensive territories.

        His successors ruled till Russia, Eastern Europe, China and West Asia

        Organised military and administrative system based on support of different ethnic and religious groups.



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