Friday, May 21, 2021







Expanded kingdom from 16th to 17th century

Prime Minister address Independence Day speech from Red Fort (Residence of Mughal Emperors)


·       Mother (Genghis Khan)

·       Mongol Tribes, Asia and China

·       Massacre of innumerable people

·       Rivals were Uzbegs

·       Father (Timur)

·       Iran, Iraq and Turkey

·       Ancestors captured Delhi in 1398


        Succeeded to throne at 12 years

        1st on throne of Ferghana in 1494

        Uzbegs invaded and was forced to leave

        Seized Kabul in 1504

        1526: Defeated Ibrahim Lodi in Battle of Panipat

        Captured Agra and Delhi

        Afghans were threat to Mughals

        1527: Defeated rana Sanga, Rajput rulers and allies at Khanua.

        1528: Defeated the Rajputs at Chanderi


        Divided inheritance based on father’s will

        Each brother given a province

        Sher Khan defeated him at Chausa (1539) and Kanauj (1540)

        He fled to Iran

        Got help from Safavid Shah (Iran)

        Recaptured Delhi in 1555

        Died in accident


        Emperor at 12 years

        Under Bairam Khan- campaign against Suris and Afghans

        Suppressed revolt of his half brother Mirza Hakim and Uzbegs

        1568: Sisodiya capital of Chittor was seized

        1569: Ranthambhor was seized

        Military campaign to Gujrat, Bihar, Bengal, Odisha

        Expansion of empire to North-West

        Qandahar was seized from the Safavids

        Kashmir was annexed

        Kabul annexed after death of Mirza Hakim

        Annexed Deccan, Barar, Khandesh and part of Ahmadnagar

        IbadatKhana: various religious people discussed (religious scholars who emphasized rituals and dogma were often bigots)


        Sulh-i-kul or Universal Peace: ethics, honesty and peace- was followed by Jahangir and Shah Jahan


        Sisodiya ruler of Mewar, Amar Singh accepted his rule

        Known as prince Salim

        Wife: Nur Jahan (Mehrunisa)- loyal and supportive- had seals and coins with her name


        Prince Khurram

        Afghan noble Khan Jahan Lodi was defeated

        Qandahar was lost to Safavids

        1632: Annexed Ahmadnagar

        Aurangzeb was victorious and his 3 brother, including Dara Shukoh were killed

        Was imprisoned fortherest of his life in Agra


        1663: Ahoms defeated but rebelled again in 1680

        Intially successful against Shivaji (insulted him when he came to accept Mughal Authority)

        1685: Bijapur annexed

        1687: Golkonda annexed

        1698: Against Marathas who followed gurrila warfare

        After his death, succession conflict amongst his sons


        Primigeniture: eldest son inherited his father’s estate

        Coparcenary inheritance or divisions of inheritance amongst all the sons- Mughals


        Jahangir’s mother: Kachhwaha princess, daughter of Rajput ruler of Amber

        Shah Jahan’s mother: Rathor princess, daughter of Rajput ruler of Marwar.

        Sisodiyas did not accept Mughals authority- defeated once by Mughals but land (Watan) given back as assignments (watan jagirs)

        In Mughal service: Mansabdars (hold rank Mansab)

        Grading system used by Mughals to fix rank, salary and military responsibilities

        Rank and salary determined by Zat

        Higher Zat, more prestigious position with larger salary.

        Maintain cavalry or sawar

        Mansabdars got salaries as revenue assignments called Jagirs similar to iqtas. However, unlike Muqtis, most

Mansabdars did not actually reside in or administer their jagirs

        Akbar’s period: Jagirs were assessed

        Aurangzeb’s period: actual sum was less than granted sum and huge numbers of mansabdars. Long wait and shortage of Jagirs. Peasantry suffered a lot.


        Major tax was on produce of peasantry

        Taxes paid by rural elite

        Zamindars used intermediaries

        Todarmal (revenue minister of Akbar) carried crop survey- tax fixed on each crop in cash

        Province divided into revenue circle with revenue rates- Zabt- not possible in Gujrat and Bengal.

        Shah Jahan period- 5.6%- mansabdars received 61.5% of total revenue

        Most income was spent on salary and goods- benefitted artisans and peasantry

        Poorest lived from hand to mouth

        Economic strata created

        Mughals elite became very powerful

        Mughal declined and servants became powerful

        Dynasties like awadh and Hyderabad came into powers


        Queen Elizabeth (Tudors Dynasty)

        Conflict between Catholics and Protestants (reformed church) tried to establish independence of church of England from Rome

        Conflict with Phillip II from Spain and defeated them

        Supported play writers like Shekespeare and poets like Edward Spenser (Write Epic called The Faerie Queen in her praise)





……THE END…..


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